Anime – Ah! My Goddess (OVA & Movie)
Song – Styx – Show Me the Way
Completed November 2002
Premiered January 12, 2003 Link
YouTube Link
YouTube Link (Remastered version)
When inspiration strikes, sometimes you don’t have the resources to run with it. That was the way this video started out, as I was listening to my older brother’s CD collection for something interesting while at home for the end of summer break. The idea struck halfway through the first verse, and simmered there until I could get back to my apartment at college and start in on it.
I actually had to rebuild the project twice during the month and a half I spent between classes creating this video, both times because I had ripped the movie footage in the wrong aspect ratio.
The instrumentals of this one are, hands down, the weakest part of the video. I’m still not completely happy with several of them, though the long one in the middle of the song, which shows every character in the series I’m fairly proud of.
This video is also the first video since Corbies that I extensively used digital effects, and I like to think that they worked quite well in the video.
I originally planned to debut this video at NekoCon V, which would have been my 1-year anniversary of submitting videos to cons (Rouge’s Prayer at NekoCon FLASH), but somewhere between them being received and the compilation of the contest tape, it got lost, so I decided to keep it under wraps until Ohayocon two months later.
At the urging of a friend of mine who was going to AnimeEvolution, I sent this video there as well.
Convention History:
Ohayocon 3 – Winner, Best Drama
AnimeEvolution 2003 – Winner, Best Drama/Romance; Best Artistic; Judge’s Best Overall