Category: CMV

Isn’t That Love?

Source - Avalon webcomic
Song - Shimokawa Mikuni - Sore ga, Ai deshou?
Completed February 2004
Premiered February 27, 2004
Download link (12.6 MB)
YouTube link

This was a bit of a gift for the fans of the C & P pairing. With the song completely and irrevocably stuck in my head, I happened across a translation of the lyrics, and immediately thought of Avalon.

This was a fun way of learning keyframing in After Effects, and I like how it ended up coming out.

There is also a Sub Station Alpha script with the translated lyrics as subtitles available here.


Source - Avalon webcomic
Song - Princess Rouge OST - Ushina Wareta Kako
Completed July 2002
Premiered July 19, 2002
Download Link (3.27 MB)
YouTube Link

In July 2002, Josh Philips (artist of the webcomic Avalon) had announced his immenent return from his first major haitus, and the idea I had had kicking around in my head for an Avalon-based video finally congealed. After an all-night editing and coloring fest, I posted the final result to the Forum on July 19th. I also had the privilege of personally handing Josh a CD containing all the original source files at Otakon 2002 later that summer.