Anime – You’re Under Arrest
Song – Tracey Ullman – They Don’t Know
Completed March 2011
Premiered April 3, 2011 Link
YouTube Link

This was a fun little experiment with bringing a show’s subtext into full text, in this case, taking the friendship between Natsuki and Miyuki into a full lesbian relationship.

I’ve wanted to use the song for a while, ever since I heard it on the radio several years ago, but always pictured it as a “girl loves bad boy” song, like the original music video showed. When I went looking for a song to do the video to, it suddenly struck me that the gender of the singer’s significant other is never specified, so it could also be interpreted as a girl taking pride in a lesbian partnership over other people’s objections.

I’d also been looking for an excuse to make myself sit down and watch YUA for a while, since I owned all four box sets of season 1, but had only watched the first one before getting distracted with some other show. Now I need to watch the other two seasons (which I also own), which I didn’t include here because of the major art shift.

This video was entered at Tekkoshocon IX and Anime Boston 2011, but didn’t make the finals at either.

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