Anime – Magic Knight Rayearth
Song – Tokuyama Hidenori – FOR REAL
Completed March 2011
Premiered March 8, 2011 Link
YouTube Link
YouTube Link (Side-by-Side Version)
Ten years ago, I started making AMVs. At the time, I figured I’d make one just to try it out, and that’d be it. Imagine my surprise that I’m still here, more than 50 videos later.
I’ve been meaning to remake my first video, a parody opening, for a while now, and doing it for my 10-year anniversary seemed appropriate.
And, as an additional personal bonus, I used this project to learn something new: some of the more in-depth features of After Effects. I’ve used some of the basic motion functions in the past, but this is the first time I’ve used any of the tracking, masking, or animation features.
Ten years have gone by in a blur; here’s to another ten!