Anime – Bubblegum Crisis 2032
Song – Alphaville – Big in Japan
Date Completed June-July 2001
Premiered November 11, 2001 link
YouTube link
My first full-length video, I started this one in late June 2001, but ran out of ideas before doing the instrumental sections, so it sat around until mid-July before it got finished in a burst of inspiration. Alphaville’s been a band I’ve liked for a long time, since I was in seventh grade and heard their Forever Young at one of my summer camp’s dances. I later found out that Forever Young was one of a group of songs called The CTY Cannon, played during every dance at all of the sites the summer camp was at. After my last year at the camp, I picked up Alphaville’s self-titled CD in a fit of nostalgia, and got hooked on Big in Japan. After watching BGC2032, I got the idea of focusing on the “fame” of Priss, Vision, and the Knight Sabers for this video.
Convention History:
Not Entered to Conventions