Anime – Various
Song – Various
Completed June 2011
Premiered June 16, 2011 Link
YouTube Link

This was my video for the second round of Project OrgEditor’s 2011 edition.

The theme for the round was “After Story” and we were to show a conclusion, and then a continuation of a story.

I decided to make something like the opening of a sequel to a game, which led to the game’s “title” of “Operation Revolver: The Second Chamber.”

I completely ignored the storylines from the original series, and assigned each of the characters new roles for their earlier exploits, ten years ago in-story, and then moving on in a “Where Are They Now” type of montage. With the two younger girls, not having any scenes of them looking older, I decided to ramp up the “drama” factor by killing them off, one gloriously in battle, one after a depressive spiral.

In retrospect, it was a bad decision to rely so much on text to tell the story, but by the time I realized that, it was too late to change the concept before the deadline.

It ended up finishing 11th out of 15 videos, though one judge knocked it heavily because they hadn’t seen the original series and thought understanding the original plots was necessary for understanding the video.

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