Anime – Magic Knight Rayearth
Song – Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past – Dark World Theme (Orchestral)
Completed August 2001
Premiered November 11, 2001 Link
YouTube Link
The fact that the first season of Rayearth plays out like a stereotypical RPG is even mentioned in the series itself, so when I went looking for a song to do a Hikaru tribute to, this song fell right into my lap. The fact that this was my first all-instrumental video made it a lot more work than my others, but I think it came out quite well. This was also the last video I did during the summer of 2001, and was completed only a few days before I returned to school. At some point, I plan on doing Umi and Fuu videos to similar songs, but those videos are on the back burner for a while.
Convention History:
MindWarp 2001 Fall/Winter AMV Contest – Entrant