Anime – Azumanga Daioh
Song – Nakatsukasa Masami – Feeling Heart
Completed April 2007
Premiered May 11, 2007 Link
YouTube Link
YouTube Link (Side-by-Side version)

This video was created especially for Anime Central’s 2007 Theme contest, “Faux Anime Opening.” I went through almost every DVD, tape, and fansub I own looking at openings for ones that I though I could do on a technical level, and that had at least some scenes that I could think of replicating using another series. Ten openings made the list, including a remake of my first AMV ever, and the one that I could most easily see was Azumanga Daioh replicating To Heart’s opening.

I had to wait for several days after deciding before actually being able to edit, as RightStuf’s release of the first To Heart DVD wasn’t out yet, and I didn’t want to work from a very low-quality VHS fansub copy from 2000. I was able to make a list of potential scenes from Azumanga that would match, as well as generate the credit list that would be used in the video (all the credits in the video are accurate for Azumanga, save the opening theme credit, which matches the To Heart opening credit, thanks to for providing the correct kana/kanji for positions and names).

The final video was made in four parts: the opening, up to the logo, the title logo itself which was made using After Effects on the desktop, the main video, which was duplicated twice for the half-rolled section, each duplicate being sepia-toned, and the ending segment, which was simply a keyframed 4-point matte.

Overall, I’m happy with the way it came out, though I’m disappointed by the edges in the masks at 1:25-1:32, Tomo’s and Osaka’s in particular stand out. Something to work on in future videos.

Convention History:
Anime Central 2007 – Finalist (Theme Contest)

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